Every Ellagram Tells a Story and a Life Lesson.

Ellagrams are gospel stories turned inside out which invite you to take a faith-filled adventure with Ella Ella Francinella’s family and friends! In today’s culture when secular values are being promoted to our children, these stories offer an opportunity for kids and adults alike to experience the Gospel in relevant yet traditional terms. Our Ella team is so grateful to celebrate the Word of God through our storytelling and podcasts.

The latest ellagrams.

I’m Good!

I’m Good!

Latish shares Goo’s take on trying new food at Sunday dinner and that sometimes it’s good to try new things in life.

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A Sweet Six

A Sweet Six

The holidays are here again and Ella Ella learns that Grandpa Gooshey’s recipe for apple pie makes a great recipe for life too.

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Sticks and Stones

Sticks and Stones

The girls learn that name calling truly hurts. Ella Ella & Latish work hard to unstick the bad names and replace them with good.

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Forgive and Forget?

Forgive and Forget?

Once again Booty proves sibling rivalry is normal and not something worth holding a grudge over but (for the record) it’s perhaps worth documenting.

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Class In Session

Class In Session

The gang discovers Grandma Gooshey’s high school yearbook and learn a valuable lesson on how good decisions today echo into good decisions tomorrow.

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Ella Ella further explores all this forgiveness stuff and how it could work by looking at her own attitude.

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Brotherly Love

Brotherly Love

LaTish reminds Ella Ella of her biggest strength, giving second chances. Which comes just in time as Booty tests his sisters forgiveness waters

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Angel Food Cake

Angel Food Cake

Ella Ella gets a lesson from their good friend Sam on cake & guardian angels. Only thing is, where did Sam came from?

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Two-Day Shipping

Two-Day Shipping

Booty with Mr. Mouse’s help finally solves the “leaky heart” mystery. Ella however insists the answer is to just order a repair kit off Amazon.

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Down the Drain

Down the Drain

Booty joins Grandpa Gooshey for an early morning brownie hunt while continuing his quest to find why folks “leak out” the good stuff.

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Country Plumbing

Country Plumbing

A fall trip upstate brings bonding for Booty & Dad, Wifi withdrawal for Ella and a lesson on leaky plumbing of all sorts.

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