The Arc

Mar 1, 2023 | Ellagram

Hey Danny here! So I was building my box car when I overheard La Tish tell Ella that Mr. Mouse was sending her an ark to save her from a bad hair day! So Ella said, “how does that work?” Now Lizzie is explaining very loudly to Francinella that arks have lots of jobs and lots of things that they do! So Ella asked Lizzie how she knows so much about arks? Then La Tish gets all annoyed and tells Ella she doesn’t know how she knows but that maybe God told her. So Ella says, “really? – What does Else does God tell you? That I am a SIGN and Wonder”! Lizzie shouts to Ella as she was wrapping her hair into a ginormous Ponytail. So Ella says,”Then so am I. I’m a Sign and Wonder too! So now it’s my turn – so I jump out and yell “hey Signs and Wonders hop on my boxcar ark. It’s Captain Wonder to the rescue!!”

God’s Sense of Humor

God’s Sense of Humor

So anyway Ella, La Tish, and Francie La Rue planned to take a Safari through the county zoo. And of course it sounded like so much fun, every last one of the gang signed up to come. By the way, I’m Danny your Safari driver! So we’re all in the golf carts, bumping...

Rise and Shine

Rise and Shine

There’s always a missing ingredient when it comes to Easter bread, and Ella thinks that Happy Dough rises faster
