Class In Session

Nov 11, 2020 | Ellagram

Hey, Ella here. So Campbell Allie and La Rue found Goo’s high school yearbook and there was a note on one of the pages from Goo’s grandma which I think is my great great grandma actually. Anyway the note said “Yesterday is gone, forget it; tomorrow has not come, look forward; but today is here, live it”!

So La Tish asked Goo if she liked what her grandma wrote and Goo told us what her favorite author Mark Twain said, “My life was full of many disasters, most of which never happened”. So I guess she liked what her grandma wrote. Bootie says Goo doesn’t answer you straight sometimes.

Anyway, then Sam who was hanging with us that day said, “It also means if you do the right thing today then the right things will happen tomorrow”. Sam is chill.

God’s Sense of Humor

God’s Sense of Humor

So anyway Ella, La Tish, and Francie La Rue planned to take a Safari through the county zoo. And of course it sounded like so much fun, every last one of the gang signed up to come. By the way, I’m Danny your Safari driver! So we’re all in the golf carts, bumping...

Rise and Shine

Rise and Shine

There’s always a missing ingredient when it comes to Easter bread, and Ella thinks that Happy Dough rises faster

The Arc

The Arc

Danny overheard La Tish tell Ella that Mr. Mouse is sending her an ark to save her from a bad hair day!
