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Jan 7, 2021 | Ellagram

Danny here, it’s my birthday! I hate birthdays , Dad and everyone else are asking me what I want so I said I don’t need anything then Ella says, “Dan it’s not about what you need it’s about what you want”. So here’s the thing , when people give you gifts it can get really scary because they stare at you when your are opening them and you have to come up with something really cool each time . I mean just think of all the things saying thank you can mean ?

I mean what if you don’t really love it , then what ? So Grandpa Gooshey says when that happens we have to rewire our brain to be happy for a 6 instead of a 10. Anyway I don’t wanna be stared at and thank-you’s are risky business and yeah I know Mr. Mouse always says the word of God tells us that our thank-you’s can open up the gates of heaven. I guess those gates can get pretty stuck.

Grandpa Gooshey is the most grateful person I ever met in my whole life. He is always saying thank you even for the smallest thing you do for him. I guess that’s why when you’re around him you always end up feeling better about yourself . He not only opens the gates of heaven , he puts you right into the courtyard. Anyway Grandpa Gooshey has this great train set he is giving us for under the Christmas Tree this year.

Ella kept saying , ”Dan come and look at this! Dan come and look at this !” Like I said I don’t like getting gifts incase I’m not 110% happy with them. So I’m still working on seeing the train set but meanwhile I told everyone to give me cash for my birthday. One baby-step at a time Goo always says!

God’s Sense of Humor

God’s Sense of Humor

So anyway Ella, La Tish, and Francie La Rue planned to take a Safari through the county zoo. And of course it sounded like so much fun, every last one of the gang signed up to come. By the way, I’m Danny your Safari driver! So we’re all in the golf carts, bumping...

Rise and Shine

Rise and Shine

There’s always a missing ingredient when it comes to Easter bread, and Ella thinks that Happy Dough rises faster

The Arc

The Arc

Danny overheard La Tish tell Ella that Mr. Mouse is sending her an ark to save her from a bad hair day!
