Weeds Vs. Wheat

“Hey Liz, I just had the craziest dream,” announced Ella.

“So, I was in a field of wheat and there were a lot of weeds and the weeds were yelling at the wheat ‘Nobody likes you! If the farmer cared about you he would’ve gotten rid of us before we messed you guys up really bad!’ And then the wheat said, ‘that’s exactly why the farmer does like us best , because he will pull you out by the roots when we become bigger and stronger than you are thanks to resisting your attempts to invade us.”

“That sounds like classic battlefield strategy”, declares Danny arriving just in time to hear the warfare scenario. And since Ella and Lizzie are more than cousins and almost sisters they said the very same thing at the very same time in response to Danny’s authoritarian proclamation. “That doesn’t make sense, Dan!”

“Truth usually doesn’t make sense”, announced Sam , as usual arriving out of nowhere. “My man Dan may be onto something I may have even heard before- like maybe two thousand years ago”, laughed Sam.

Liz and Ella both rolled their eyes in non-verbal agreement, code for Sam never makes any sense either.

God’s Sense of Humor

God’s Sense of Humor

So anyway Ella, La Tish, and Francie La Rue planned to take a Safari through the county zoo. And of course it sounded like so much fun, every last one of the gang signed up to come. By the way, I’m Danny your Safari driver! So we’re all in the golf carts, bumping...

Rise and Shine

Rise and Shine

There’s always a missing ingredient when it comes to Easter bread, and Ella thinks that Happy Dough rises faster

The Arc

The Arc

Danny overheard La Tish tell Ella that Mr. Mouse is sending her an ark to save her from a bad hair day!
